Dealing With The Heat On A Hot Summer’s Day

Naturally, the easiest thing to do of all would be to switch on the air conditioner. And in some cases, that is the only recourse when temperatures sky rocket thanks to global warming. However, air conditioners eat up electricity and produce a lot of heat as a by-product – yes, even the so-called ‘inverters’ still use up electricity at an alarming rate.
So, if you are going through a heat wave, by all means make use of the air conditioner, but also remember and practice these additional ways of keeping cool so that you have an alternative when you don’t have access to an air conditioned room.

All That Water

First rule of basic human health: drink water. This is especially true on a hot day when you sweat profusely. Drink as much water as you can possibly hold because the heat will sap (or zap) it out of you before you know it. It also helps with production of sweat on your skin. It will increase the moisture content in your sweat and reduce the mineral content, which means that when the sweat dries on your skin it will cool your body down faster, acting like a patio blinds in Melbourne for your body. More water also means that your body’s metabolism can work at full capacity to maintain an even temperature (thermoregulation) throughout the day.

Stay in the Shade

This may sound like common sense but so many people that experience sunstroke do so because they have been doing various activities in the sun without proper shade. If you are walking down a street, cross over to the side with the shade on it. It may take you 3 minutes to cross the road. If you are staying indoors but have a lot of windows, make sure you have cafe blinds or something similar to block the harsh sunlight during the day. Avoid walking in the sun between 11am and 1 pm as that is when the sun is at its peak. Always, always wear sunglasses and wear hats, caps, shades and other forms of protection.

Have a Rest

Once the temperature passes a certain mark, even the most enterprising toddler will feel fatigued. If this is you on a normal hot day, don’t blame yourself for it as it is not your fault. The body simply cannot cope with the heat and will induce drowsiness in order to conserve energy. This is the reason why schools break up for summer because the heat is too high for students to concentrate on studies. Physically activity may still be possible but difficult so the best thing is to do like the Spanish and have a siesta while the sun passes directly overhead; then you can go back to your lives.